Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman


It's like Lord of the Rings meets Sleepy Hollow meets Pans Labyrinth.  Now, how awesome does that sound?  I was so surprised by this film.  Upon seeing the trailer for the first time, I was really looking forward to seeing it but had no idea how much I would enjoy it.  Just to let all of you and your kids know, this is not the fairy tale from our childhoods.

As of the July 4th weekend, one of the best movies of 2012 I have seen thus far. What a tour-de-force in everything: acting, writing, special effects, and especially, CASTING! Charlize Theron gives an Oscar worthy performance (but I know she will not be nominated) as the evil queen. Let me tell you, evil is not even the word for this woman; Theron transforms her into a bonafide monster (LOL, get it, monster, you know the movie she was in).  You definitely do not need to see this movie in 3D to feel her intensity explode from the screen.  This evil queen would take the evil queens of the past movies, slit their throats then set there corpses on fire and laugh while watching them burn and Charlize Theron is absolutely brilliant in the execution, so to speak.  Kristen Stewart punches Bella Swan in the face and tosses her out the window for this role. This Snow White is hardcore and Stewart beefs up her acting chops ten fold and shows the audience she can lead the charge.  Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman was an awesome choice, being the audacious protector at one time then kicking major ass at all the other times but did not just turn it into another Thor.  He made this role his own.

Seriously dark, yet enchanting. Action-packed yet emotional. Snow White and the Huntsman has the villain of all villains, the hero we all want, and the princess that will whoop yo ass but these characters are not frolicking in any  meadows.  It definitely pushes the limits of it's PG-13 rating with the fantasy violence and the special effects are inspiring. I realize as of the writing of this review, everyone is watching either Ted, The Amazing Spiderman, or Magic Mike but this one has been out for a while so many have already seen it and if you want to ditch those crowded theaters, see this one.  Also, throw out your common notions, the fairies in this tale are much more sinister.

Thank you and see you at the next blog.

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